Want to play this (octave scale, not tritave scale) on your DAW software using a SCALA scale file capable synth (Harmor in Fl Studio, Zeta2 in Cakewalk, etc.)?
Download the Scala file here
If you do not have a Scala file capable softsynthesizer/VSTi-plugin download the free FMTS2 synth with the tonalcolorsmidi.mid selectable tuning included here

Download some music using this scale here

For rhythm composition use Beat Magic and program pattern into any drum machine / software grid

12 tone original scale
(no major/minor chords, only new original chord types and progressions)

Most fifths are just as in 12edo, but F-A# is not a fifth but F#-A# is unlike in 12EDO. Moving between same colors moves by 5/3 (major sixth), same colors with 7 by 7/4 for chord progressions
Moving to next button down or up moves by 3/2 (fifth).

---12 fifths (3/2)
F-C-G-D-A-E-B-(F#2) (chain of fifths) F#2 is not in scale, would be about 13/9
C#-G#-D#-A#-F#-C# (circle of fifths)
F-C-G-D-A-F (circle of fifths)
----11 natural sevenths (7/4)
C-D-E-(7/6 G) A__D-F-G__(chain of nat 7)
C#-D#-F#-G#-A#-C# (circle of nat7's)
---7 major sixths (5/3)
C#-A____D#-C___F#(high)-D-B-G#-F___A#-G (chains of 6ths)
___6 major thirds (5/4)

Last 6 chords with melodies in () or []'s:

--BASS at F-- Fifths C-F,D-A **sour***

--BASS at C second at F-- Fifths C-G, G-D, D-A, C-F

--BASS at G second at C-- Fifths C-G,G-D,C-F Sixth C#-A

--BASS at D second G --Fifths C-G E-A D-G D-A

BASS at A second at D Fifths D-A,D-G

--BASS at E second A-- Fifths E to B, D# to G#, C# to G# Sixth G#-B

--BASS at B second E --     Fifths D#-G#,C#-G#,G#-A#

--BASS at B second F#2(not in scale). Use same places you'd use a 17 chord

-------------BASS at **A#**/D# (second C#/F#), Fifths C# to G#, C# to F#, F# to A# Sixth D-F#

--BASS at **F#**/A# (second G#/C#)-- Fifth D#-G#,C#-G#,D#-A# Sixth A-C#

--BASS at **C#**/F# (second D#/G#-- Fifths C#-G#,D#-G#,D#-A#,C#-F# Sixth G-A#

--BASS at **G#**/C# second A#/D#-- fifths D#-A#, A#-F#, D#-G# sixth:C-D#

---------------BASS at **D#**/G# second at F#/A# -- Fifths F#-A#,F#-C#,A#-D# Sixth A#-G

Playing bass note of

What is this?!
Put your mouse over a button to play a chord.
If you play each chord going downward, the chords/progression will sound consonant together
You can play a melody on the keyboard (any of the following keys: Q W E R T Y) to play the most consonant 6 notes in the scale that match that chord. These notes are also the same as the green and brown notes on the buttons.

The chords are designed to be consonant and comprised of at least half special notes not playable on keyboards, guitars, or most other typical instruments.
The idea is to provide a framework to make music mathematically guaranteed to be both original and consonant.
Try playing (chords) 13 then 11 then 13 then 16 for starters for a classic old school jungle (drum and bass) sound. Also try 15, 10, 12, 21.